
好心情食物The feel-good foods!                                    桃園 Jessica Lin林云嘉

Do you ever find yourself sitting on the sofa with a bar of chocolate when you're feeling stressed, bored, or just lonely? Or find that you get cravings for sweet food even when you're not hungry? The food you eat and your food cravings have a connection to your mood. This is because the ingredients in the food impacts on the way you feel after you eat it. 

你曾經因為你心情焦慮不安,無聊或是寂寞而坐在沙發上吃巧克力嗎? 就算不餓也非常渴望想要吃甜食嗎? 你吃的食物或是你想吃的食物和你的感受是有關聯的, 這是因為食物中的成分會影響你吃了之後的心情. 

‧ 本段單字 
1)Stressed (v) 焦慮不安;心力交瘁
2)Cravings (n) 強烈的願望;渴望;熱望
3) Connection (n) 聯繫,關聯
4)Mood (n) 情緒;心情
5) Ingredients(n)原料, 要素,因素
6) Impact (v) 影響

Some foods make us happy because it contains a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin is the chemical within the brain that puts people in a good mood. Without serotonin, people can start to feel low , anxious or irritated. Serotonin is produced by tryptophan, an amino acid from the foods we eat. Therefore, to put yourself in a good mood, you should choose foods that contain a higher level of tryptophan in your diet.

某些食物會使我們心情變好原因在於一種化學物質稱做為血清素. 血清素使腦內那我們心情愉快的化學物質. 當體內沒有血清素,人們就會開始感到無精打采, 焦慮或惱怒. 
血清素是由我們所吃的食物中攝取的色氨酸製造而成. 所以如果你想要讓自己心情變好,你可以透過飲食選擇色氨基酸含量比較高的食物. 

‧ 本段單字 
1)Chemical (n) 化學品
2)Serotonin(n) 【化】 血清素,五羥色胺
3)Low (adj) 虛弱的;沮喪的;消沉的;無精打采的
4)Anxious (adj) 焦慮;憂慮;擔心
5)Irritated (adj) 煩惱;惱怒
6)Produce (n) 生產;製造
7)Tryptophan(n) 【化】色氨基酸
8)Amino acid (n) 【化】 氨基酸
9)Diet (n) 飲食

According to research, there are foods known as the “Good mood foods” that contain high levels of tryptophan. The top ten good mood foods are: mung beans, lobster, turkey, asparagus, sunflower seeds, cottage cheese, pineapple, tofu, spinach and bananas. This is a great list to remember when choosing what to eat for your next meal. Not only will they make you feel happy, it will help you perform better during the day. 

據研究, “好心情食品”含有較高量的色氨酸. 十大好心情的食物分別是: 綠豆,龍蝦,火雞,蘆筍,葵花籽,起司,鳳梨,豆腐,菠菜和香蕉. 在選擇吃你下一頓飯時, 可以參考這名單, 不僅讓你感到快樂,還可以讓你在一天當中表現得更好.. 

‧ 本段單字 
1)Research (n) 研究;調查 
2)Contain (v) 包含;含有;容納
3)Perform (v) 做;履行;執行

It is also important to know there are foods that can cause a bad mood. Foods that are high in sugar are common bad mood foods as they contain a lot of additives, preservatives and food colorings. These foods will give you an instant lift, and then around an hour later, a drop in mood and energy will follow. This is the reason why we reach for high sugar food when we are in a bad mood for a short-term fix. Although this is fast and effective, it can make you even more unhappy when the sugar level drops. The key is to have a good balance of diet and have the knowledge of what foods can influence your mood. Choosing the right foods can indeed put you a good mood all day. 

同樣的, 食物也有可能導致情緒不良.普遍的例子是高糖分食品,因為它含有大量的食品添加劑,防腐劑和食用色素.這些食物剛開始可以使心情立刻高興起來, 但接著約 1小時後, 情緒和能量會降低. 這就是為什麼當我們心情不好時會想要找高糖分食品來吃, 做為暫時的解決方法. 雖然這是快速,有效的,但當血糖下降時,你可能心情會比之前更不快樂. 因此知道那些食物是真正能夠攝取色氨酸和保持良好的平衡飲食就是一可重要的關鍵.選擇吃對的食物的確可以讓你的心情變好的

‧ 本段單字
1)Cause (v) 使發生;造成;引起;導致
2)Common (adj) 常見的;通常的;普遍的
3)Addictives (n) 添加劑
4)Preservatives (n) 防腐劑
5)Food coloring (n) 食用色素
6)Instant(n) 立即的;立刻的
7) lift(n)高興起來;使更愉快
8)Drop (v)變弱,降低,減少
9)Energy (n) 精力;活力
10)fix (n) 尤指簡單、暫時的)解決方法
11)balance (n) 均衡;平衡
12)knowledge (n) 知識
13)Influence (v) 影響;對…起作用


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